995m: Longest headshot (so far) with AWM.
Are they already testing in China?
Gorgulho polydius
No flagra!
O que esse carinha está tentando?
Isso sim é "autoconhecimento" kkkkk
Essa eu quero ver
My furthest headshot so far. 972m.
The entire period of the map waiting
I made a spreadsheet with Black Site upgrade item requirements
Tablet e App para desenho
FOR THOSE HAVING THIS PROBLEM: Network conditions are fluctuating. Please check your network environment or restrictions set by your antivirus software.
Network Error After 1 match,,`
Never thought I will get banned for having unstable connection.
Come on now, this isn't funny
Game constantly kick me out of the game, i turned off firewall's, added exceptions, windows defender nothing works, flushed dns etc.
Anyone else having this problem?
Desses 3 qual vale mais a pena comprar ?
Are Jintu telephoto lenses good?
Em Junho, o Athletico me fez gastar R$ 800.00 nessa moeda de prata do Centenário, referência a série prata do campeonato brasileiro a ser jogada pelo time
Invasão Rubro-Negra no X do Chelsea. A galera está alugando um triplex gigante na cabeça dos gringos kkkkk
JBL Quantum One + Windows 11
JBL Quantum Engine Software bug in windows 11 24h2
Se tem placa, tem história (profunda essa).