Monica speaking out about the Sara and Joey situation
Giving out some extras from my alts! Comment what u want! Will pick 5 winners! Ends after 24hours!
Fusion still costs resources
Offering pic, looking for other shiny legendary
I feel seen
Unpopular opinion - Sara annoys me
Looking for first page, offering the rest
Taylor and Sandy
Looking for friends in icy snow region 349794658060
Offering first page, looking for the rest
Offering first pic, looking for second pic
Looking for / Offering mirror
Looking for first two pics offering the rest
Looking for armored mewtwo, offering pic
Looking for first two pages, offering the rest
Looking for some rural Pokemon trainers that can't manage to win gmax kingler, offering 2 gmax kingler
Questions & Answers - Weekly Megathread! Please use this post to ask any Pokemon GO question you'd like!
AITA for changing in front of friends SO?
Tandemaus still available?
Maint looking for shiny rockruff offering alot
Looking for / Offering below
AITAH for not getting rid of my dog ? My ex gf 36(F) left me 32(M) due to mostly my dog, I’m still really confused.
Black tie south Florida wedding in Feb for a 22 year old woman
AITA for arguing with my friends back after I accidentally called one of them a slur and her sister hit me for it?