Need to get this off my chest, I’m self conscious about my body
Wij hebben geen hobbies
Is 140$ a Week Too Much for Groceries ?
What was your “aha” moment that made you start investing seriously?
I'm going to date an American man. Am I allowed to pay for the date?
The kitchen of our future home
35M, How screwed am I?
Elon committed the Cardinal Sin of Business
36 years old, have 505k in cash and need to turn it into monthly income
People who are immune to a-holes, what's your secret? How are you not disturbed by rude, bossy, stubborn people who refuse to negotiate? How do you work with them, and without getting upset?
I survived the GREATEST recession in non-war times in history. People investing in US have no idea what a REAL crash means.
What’s a European Man’s midlife crisis look like?
Around 6% of Americans believe they can defeat a grizzly bear in a hand-to-hand combat
People who know a porn star personally, what's that like?
Advies gevraagd, initieel investeringsplan
Een positie sluiten?
De meesten van jullie hebben de Tulpenmanie niet meegemaakt en it shows
Een goede eerste tegenzet: een importheffing van 100% op deze dingen
Am I the only one that thinks the holy Roman imperial crown is freaking ugly?
Bought another 250k of NVDA. If you are worried AMA
Stop panic-selling & moving your funds from US to Europe – your portfolio should outlive any administration.
Hoe ziet jouw ideale FIRE week eruit?