Big guy, little guy duos
Characters that are canonically weak (or weaker than the rest) but the fans love to make jokes calling them the strongest
Chapter 1 to my DDLC Fan comic
Manipulators who aren't masterminds
Lets give Himeno a last name
You will never convince me that her and Asa are the same age, you just can't.
What's a Trope you find annoying when it comes to Powerscaling?
What do these characters have in common?
Operation Clubhouse (DDLC x Ace Combat 7) — Chapter 212: Where Do We Begin?
Maybe Semantics
Ready Player Yuri
IS this why you have been avoiding the literature club???
Say Something Nice About Makima
Super Saiyan Rose
Solidarity (shiro_burro).
Only Ch.1
The last fictional character photo you saved are gonna try to hunt you down, how screwed are you?
Operation Clubhouse (DDLC x Ace Combat 7) — Interlude 24: His Conclusion, My Beginning
Operation Clubhouse (DDLC x Ace Combat 7) — Interlude 22: Rowsdower
Gimme your funny and cursed CSM images
Operation Clubhouse (DDLC x Ace Combat 7) — Chapter 208: The Fifth Doki
The Thrilling Conclusion
Operation Clubhouse (DDLC x Ace Combat 7) — Chapter 207: The Honest Truth
Operation Clubhouse (DDLC x Ace Combat 7) — Chapter 206: Rescue/Retrieval