Guess we doin' weird hands now
Was trying to breed however..
2012 Pokemon help
First Shiny while hunting Raikou :D
The entitlement of drivers towards disabled pedestrians is absolutely revolting
It was 50 degrees and raining when I went to bed
the surface of Venus if you haven't seen it already
TMNT inspired Pokémon team - Just for fun
I made a mistake buying expansion upgrade ":D is it possible to get rid of this button?
You can see how happy she is when people stop by her
I almost got killed by a Dodrio horde to get a shiny, so I made a shitty montage about it
8 Shinys in the last ~300 hours
does anybody know what mod it is
My favorite mons I’ve caught at 569 hours
500 hours without a shiny, then 2 in 2 days.... is that normal?
there's no way
I think a lot of good will and faith GGG had built up over the years died today.
What I ordered vs what I got
Is Elon Ok?
This worker is doing his Job like he doing it for 100 years
Got my first tat and im not happy 🙁
Do all cats steal food from the table? Yours too?
PirateSoft leaves call when asked to take accountability for killing two level 60s in hardcore wow
I'm just grinding my pokemon then I suddenly encountered this pokemon, plss tell me how rare this is?? I'm new to this