My friend said that it is better to use hamster water bottles then hamster water bowls true?
My legacy Sim Alayna & her bf Caleb update !
...and the award for the best dad goes to Grim Reaper!!!
Gaming in the basement with my servo wife and our pet raccoon
Did you guys notice the idiot sandwich reference on the new whiteboard ????😂
Bees don't fail me now
Hear me out, is it wrong to be attracted to your sim😔
I doodled a couple of my sims that I've made since the new expansion came out - I hope you like them!
Adding Trashley to household gives a unique moodlet
Robin Banks, stealin' hearts (cosplay by me)
Guys, I have bad news :(
Stanley Humphrey question
I find it kind of funny than before Tam’s father had at least a small amount of etiquette, very, very small, but then….
YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BUISNEESS AND HOBBIES IS OUT!!!!!!!
Help Why did this remind me of Sophie 😭
Huh...yeah...I guess the cardboard cutout looking moustache would kinda turn me off too.
The Kids in the sims 4!!
POV you're a homeless vampire fishing for money and you see this
i can’t with this game 😭
What was the first 'The Sims' game you played?
Which sim is your mortal enemy? I'll go first.
I drew my favorite TS4 Family :>
I did it again I have The Goths a makeover🖤
If you read wings of fire and you are a kam shipper read this
i tried to create hugh jackman idk :p hope i did it