Question about gnomes
Switching from a PvE server to a PvP server has been the greatest decision I ever made with WoW
The truth about Vandar Stormpike and the battle of Alterac Valley
Anyone else find Helo extremely boring? (Spoilers)
Is there a DDOS going on right now?
States of alliance AV
Rank 14
The people posting about min/maxers and parsers ruining the game have never organized a raid
Whats the pick here?
Wait, they could crash into things at light speed the whole time?! WTF! Why didn't the Rebels just crash into the Death Star? George Lucas RUINED STAR WARS!!!
Shrivamsha Rider's don't counter crossbow anymore
Race class combos that feel right
New Paladin Legendary - Toreth the Unbreaking
What’s the pick? These all seem great
Does this card see any play or is it an insta-dust?
Day 6: Horrible Person, Opinions are Divided
Day 5: Morally Grey, Opinions are Divided
Boosting discord server banned me 14 days
Something seems….off
Day 4: Good Person, Opinions are Divided
What If next dlc turns chu-konu a regional uu?
Now i understand the hard res culture
Nightslayer Flask Prices are Unsustainable
Everyone always talks about tanks, but healer performance matters too
PSA: The reason behind the GDKP ban, according to Blizzard, had nothing to do with RMT/gold buying