Desperately ISO beachy boho crystal celestial witchy jewelry
What's a design choice you intentionally made in your indie game that goes against conventional wisdom — and why do you believe it works?
My initial fear and the problem with theatre uneducated movie fans
Have you guys bought anything from sellers with 0 reviews
Looking for gold filled jewelry- what happened to handmade on Esty???
Made a game about going inside photographs
Someone stole our game from, renamed it, and now it’s #1 in the App Store - what can we do?
Guy following me through a construction tunnel
Why are you devs so horny about not allowing "offline" progress? (Please read post not just title)
PSA: Always question a prize pool for a jam.
I scrape Steam every month, you can download it for free
Case closed unfairly
What's the Deal With having a Discord
What’s the Magic Total Sales Number
Getting super discouraged
For these thank you cards should I write on the back or just leave them blank, considering my handwriting?
Question: My husband thinks his work isn’t good enough to start on real skin. He thinks I’m just telling him it’s good because I’m his wife. This is his latest design. What do you think?
Etsy won't block a customer who is reselling my work
Is pausing the same as cancelling an ad
Please give me feedback and critique 💗
Easy to transition from Shopify to Etsy?
Aitah for not understanding and shutting my mom out after we were told the reason for their divorce.
Am I entitled to a full refund?
ElevenLabs 1 week update: Earnings and Experience
LPT: When you eat past the point you enjoy it, nobody wins.