My newest stuff!
Which hairstyle looks best on me?
World's Smallest Care Bears Series 6!
A tragedy has happened
Care Bear Vanity Chairs
I’m baaaaack!
Finally done!!
I am completely hooked.
I started diamond painting recently & right now these are the 2 I've gotten halfway done now!
I've been doing 2 at the same time & I can't believe I've made it half way through!
Who else lives in their favorite window? Let me see your cats in their windows ❤️
I just started diamond painting & I had to get this one!
Joy with yellow hair.
I'm so glad I decided to try diamond painting because I'm much happier
I'm not sure when I got these or what they are from 🤔
Suggest beautiful name for this cutie 🥰
Wish Bear 🌠☁️
Care Bears Found!
With the addition of our fruity friends and Magic Heart we are now at 108 bears and cousins!
Care Bear Cups
This is what’s wrong with the scene.. f these resellers
Whatever happened to commons, uncommon, rare, GX & hyper rare
Show me your silly cat photos!
New to diamond painting and I'm confused about this tool
Show me wierd pic of your cat🤣