EOS Yuta (No Rika or domain) vs the Zenin clan
Who’s the UGLIEST heavy hitter (it’s not Yuji or maki)
Shibuya Kenjaku (all his Curses besides Mahito, can’t use his own Domain) vs EOS Yuji, Hakari and base Kashimo
Mass vs heavenly restriction
Reminder that if you think Yuji beats Uro you should also think Yuki beats Sendai Yuta
The mach 3 statement makes sense
People who claim Yuki has the biggest dumptruck in JJK clearly haven’t seen Worozu
Yuta vs Mahoraga and Agito
Rematch time
Yuta(Whenever he summons Rika she attacks him instead) vs Kenjaku(has a ghost Tengen attached to him making his surehit impossible)
Maki and Ụraụme
I can’t decide on which girl’s hair Id want to smell more. Thoughts?
Bụnny Maki (Masoq095)
Yụta didn't expect this on his wedding day... (Masoq095)
Which duo wins? (forms shown), and what diff’? This should be interesting.
Seriously what does Jacob's ladder even do to Hakari? What stops Hakari, a non reincarnated sorcerer, to just climb JL like Sukuna and Yuji did in 264?
Could Yuji survive in Sendai if he went there instead of Yuta?
EOS Yuta(No domain or Rika) vs Kashimo
Is Hakari only strong for the Jackpot?
What if special grade curses looked like this too?
Which female character in jjk make you feel like this
EOS Yuta without Rika chan VS EOS Yuji. Who would win.
Fuck it, my silly(true) top 10
my top 10
What's Gege's deal with Yuta's dick?