Active club members wanted! [20000] experts : #QVJGP09Q
Active club members wanted! [20 000] experts : #QVJGP09Q
All March Monthly Finals Brawlers Total Picks + Bans!
So what's the actual best way to push ranked now?
What's an anime you've watched multiple times?
Supercell..... huh?
What hypercharge are you waiting for? (Image credit: @truwolfbs)
Which opening hits the same every time you hear it
Squeak's Hyper has an "invisible projectile" that deals 2500 damage between the bounces. This killed a brawler on World Finals, costing a team the match
if you get this you get a cookie 🍪
Which is that anime that not many people know but for you it is actually a masterpiece?
this makes zero sense to me?
Who comes to mind?
Mr beast complains about us healthcare
Is fame realy as bad as i heard?
Explaining the most annoying maps pt3: snake prairie
What a waste of perfectly good guitars
Who are some YouTubers who stood the test of time?
Piper was voted most overrated, followed by Brock. Who is an underrated sniper?
Snakethug rated all brawlers from worst to best. How much do you dislike there?
after gathering so many tier lists throughout the year, I present the top 10 best brawlers of 2024 based on averages!
Which meta tierlist do you agree with the most?
Kairos’ new official meta tier list (December 2024)
This man’s smile doesn’t reflect into his eyes
2,000 People Fight For $5,000,000