Help me find this lipsgloss! (brand: AGAG)
Wisdom teeth
Looking for a Goldfish Plant for my Grandmother for Christmas
Eating in front of people
Help for swelling legs and feet
No hobbies/personality
girlbossed a lil too close to the sun-
clothing help!
What’s one typical “ed food” that you genuinely enjoy?
People who drive around residential areas with bassy music on blast, why do you do it?
i hate when people make everything a symptom of an ed when you are in recovery
Anyone else with similar issues?
i wanna quit uni due to bulimia& other mental illnesses
Swollen legs
Anyone else in recovery refuse to drink a non-diet soda?
Does anyone else here(adult) still live with your parents?
4 years b/p free!!
Thoughts on ag1?
Anyone else here fuck their stomach acid up so badly that you have to take orders from it now?
Low calorie fruit juice/ apple juice?
i'm so envious of people with naturally low appetites.
Can we get a show of hands on how many of you hate having an ED
worried about how bad i’m going to get when i go to college
Parenting for the sister to help her parents parent