The Trump Losers Walk of Shame today is awesome!
How to tell my husband this needs to stop
MIL asks for money to help other family members in need
Christmas/holiday photos anyone?
Why do you live in DC? Work, the city, family etc
Trauma/CC fellowship
Is there a Dede Raad snark group! This woman is morphing into Sara, her sense of style is horrible!
Did she accidentally post this 💀 😂
Best resources for someone starting out?
I want to give some motivation to the newbies 😁
Post baby conversations
It’s the audacity for me
My house isn’t that aesthetic where can I film?
In law dynamics - what should I do
My parents and in laws used to get along great until we had a baby
I created a Discord server for serious Amazon Influencers (beginners and pros welcome)
I have a 6 mo old but hate my job I’d love to explore my creative side but also I feel like when ever since I don’t get time to myself
Baby’s first day of daycare is coming up and he’s a horrible independent napper
How do you not cry every time in an argument?
Non-Medical Home Care Service Business
Can pharmacists inject in any of these states with a collaborative practice agreement?
Open med spa as a novice injector
Why is finding a job in Greece so hard?