Its damm time!!
dawg it doesn't feel fun or good anymore.................
I inhaled holi colours by mistake and now my right nostril is burning and my head on the right side from inside is hurting what to do?
Should i memorise they two
Ye bada accurate banda hai yaar
Dawg is this normal?
This dude any good?
To all the current 10thie planning to choose Humanities
I forgor my pencil box in centre. :(
Ultra Vegeta 1 kinda good for 69%.
how cbse felt after making the maths paper:
Me to cbse if they make hard paper:
How screwed are you?
This team good?
Man,fuck these bitches
just got this guy off red zone tickets so can we take a moment of time to appreciate how bad his kit is?
Be honest who was your first ultra unit besides from f2p ultras
Is this question out of syllabus
I'm sick of metternich man ✖️
All the best y'all hope y'all cook ts as if you're Gordon Ramsay.
You are welcome, my friends. Asked this from CHAT GPT with regards to the latest SQP published by CBSE. (IF THERE IS ANYTHING REPEATED, IGNORE )
Be careful for what you wish for
good afternoon y'all I request to y'all to watch this video. I believe that this video is of high importance if you will ask for the answer sheet after the results are announced.
yeah, the legacy of scamming