Owner won’t fix oven or put a proper lock on the back door
10 Years since my attempt
Dating someone with autism
If PlayStation put every PS1-PS3 game on the PS Store, what game are you buying first?
Fortnite squads
Barbers for womens cuts?
Has this happen to anyone else?? (after watching The Conjuring)
Whats the deal with all the gnome sightings?
I proposed !!
What is something that happened to you that is so unlikely that you're not sure you even believe your own memory?
What made you pick your cat at the shelter?
Find a Friend Friday - October 04, 2024
New Gaming Friends? Australia!
Jobs for people with severe mental health issues?
Goth Engagement rings?
What's the most unexplainable thing that has happened to you?
Troubleshooting Thread — Bugs? Mod issues? Origin issues? Post about them here! [Update /]
Came across this today and couldn’t leave without getting it! What’s your favorite song from Hellboy?
need tattoo help
Thoughts pls
Me and my best-friend got matching peep tattoos today!
What do you do when you see a child in public being treated badly by the parents?
I hope I make it to Christmas
who is your favorite music artist or artists?
What's your go to song for karaoke?