LDD tattoo ☠️🥰
LDD Returns Damien
honestly starting to hate drawing but I think this was cute kinda
Kids Record Toy Sounds Just Like Trevor Moore
My haunted daughters
Mum found this one in a charity shop for only £3. How rare is it?
I’m bored and curious
What junji ito story grossed you out the most?
Songs that say “motorcycle” or “bad boy”?
in your opinion what’s the most underrated lana song?
Round 14: is there a happy-sounding song with scary lyrics?
I'm Gay
Best *band* starting with letter G?
Damien Has Arrived!
Look what I dug out of the closet.
I can't draw without a reference and I feel like my skills are not improving
Got my Damien :)
Really happy with how this turned out!
Feedback Welcome!
I can't believe I bought her for 20$
Am I ugly please be honest
Am I fat? I feel like something is off about my face.
Brought home Eggzorcist today 🥚