Anxiety Issues, maybe?
It was very satisfying to finally get an A20 victory (victory?), even more so when the last card played is Grand Finale!
After all these years, finally, I have them all.
Just beat A20 heart for the first time. Only took 210hrs of silent gameplay
Long Overdue
What would you pick?
I hate my luck
Sometimes the strangest decks provide the most fun
Rant - I'm not advocating for more changes to Silent, but she is still really weak at high ascensions
Internet is out til Sunday so forgive the pic but I'm so happy I could finally made a working shiv deck!
Your worst nightmare when the clock strikes midnight tonight
r/Cyberpunkgame currently has 'Free Talk' - Rules 1 and 7 currently have relaxed moderation
Took 685 hours, finally cleared Ascension 20.
My friend's reaction to first seeing Ixillis
Just started playing this game today and I'm loving it
Don't mind if I do...
Well, here was my guaranteed 5* roll.. Should I quit now that my luck is expended?
What is the funniest rules mistake you have made?
I have finally done it!
EZ Minimalist Ametist
Probably been asked before
Does BG Artemis need a rework?
Decisions, decisions...
Update: First Clear on My 7th Attempt!