New EDC set up.
New EDC gun set up.
Long time lurker...
Mac 5 vs MKE mags?
For those high mount haters 😂
First impression of the SP5K
Had to Slav Squat with the new VSS Vintorez .300BLK
First Scar 15P in 300blk.
First Scar
What’s everyone’s thoughts on the GEN-12?
New bands for the collection
Absofuckinloutely love this thing.
Band of the day.
Titanium Milanese Owners - Size Up or Down?
Rocking Nomad Volta Strike today
Band for the day; gotta say the black Ti goes pretty well with every band I tried on
Which band do you recommend based on comfort for every day use?
Black AWU2 with black SSLB!
I'm glad I could still enjoy these.
I am in it too deep and I can’t get out
Finish dressing her up.
Finally got to take her home (91 days waited)
First, dip into the ak platform. Absofuckinloutely loving this thing.
First run live rounds with dual load from the side saddle; need a matchsaver, lots more practice, and recoil management.
First run live rounds with this dual load from side saddle drill; need a matchsaver and lots more practice tho.