Before and Afters
Bugatti scooter won’t turn on?
Is this Chelsea’s handiwork? 🫡
Built my first home at age 30. Designed the kitchen myself and completed it with my dad who owns a cabinet shop. The kitchen is my absolute favorite part.
Couldn’t find a rear bumper in the style I was looking for so I made my own
People may not understand what color "hazel" is.
Are Jenelle and Tori dating? She seems to be doing it all for her, including neglecting her kids.
Whatever wins in this post is what I’ll call them from now on: light brown or dark hazel?
Show me your sleepy babies!
Homeowners insurance for tri-valley
1HR to finish the board! Who you calling?
Got this boy (Stanley) yesterday !!
On behalf of all Australians, please don't visit here. We really don't want you. *not a repost, different images used*
Found cheapest gas price $4.34 a gallon
22 (f) I don’t feel pretty what can I do? Be honest. What are my major flaws?
Is everyone really just paying like $800-1000 per month for their new (and used) 4Runners?
🐦 👁️
What lifts are you running with KDSS??
I have autism and I'm very sick right now, can I see your cats? (My favourite animals) here is Louis.
Holes on new leaves
Vancouver Island Picture - Possible costume identified
Jenelle Tings 4/17 (Sort By New) - She is really excited about this hair looks like she’s back home in her 4Runner (swipe bonus Stan pics)
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