What y’all think?
Looking for my first gaming keyboard, stuck between Razer and Corsair.
Hotswap Periloot Caravel
My gta5 is stuttering when i turn off vsync and i just built this pc.
Guess I have failed ! Help me !
Got 3090. Now I must save up again to get the rest of the components later this year.
I have a 5800x3D and want to know if the 9900x/9950x/ 9900x3d or 9950x3d should be my next upgrade. My wife gets the 5800x3D upgrading from a Ryzen 5 3600 playing at 1440p
New PC not hitting desires frame rates
One of my working printers
Was snowing in the hills so I had to hit the coast
This Reddits nightmare, solo queue instalock dps to eternity
Monitor buying guide....thoughts?
Dragonfly HIC High flow
Sweet new wafer. Almost done with this one.
Wallbreaking guide
Best graphics card for 500-550 Dollars
Need help with 9900x build
Returning my 9070 XT
Type of mount?!?!
I taught my Voron how to Plot
Weird noise and probe out of bounds
I found where the 5090 have gone.
Can you help me choose psu? 9950x3d / 5090
9070 XT "stress test ok, but no power draw in games".
Mechanical Apple Watch ⌚️