Shauna is gonna kill Melissa before they get rescued.
0.6 mile hike
Yellowjackets S03E06- “Thanksgiving (Canada)” Post Episode Discussion
Today at the clinic
They want to turn back the clock, okay, but we choose the time.
I let customers have things for free
Billionaires are a policy failure
Simone's Reddit comment
Why I think we haven't seen/heard more from Sammy and Simone
Pit Girls's Attire (I promise, this is not another "Who is Pit Girl?" post)
What are you liking?
For those who dont know.....
The Full Original Series Pitch, as we know it! (Swipe, 9 Images)
Love This Bumper Sticker!
The Identity of Cabin Daddy, Fracking, and the K.U.H. Box (THEORY)
Ben Theory
Theories You Got Wildly Wrong
What Do You Think They Said
The Yellowjackets as the 14 Fears
MAGA Boomer doesn't get it.
Medical cannabis?
Do you think you'd do better than the Yellowjackets
Some black box history for those not here three years ago
Too funny to be pit girls. I REFUSE LOL
Songs That Remind You of A YJ Character