If you could change career every ten years (at age 20, 30, 40, 50, and 60, what is your dream career path?
C'est quoi cette spirale dans le ciel ?
Anyone notice an increase in people just not doing anything?
Finally, it arrived. Close to one kilogram of wool made of Marshmallow’s fur.
22F looking for someone to play with anywhere from half an hour to three hours with a day
Millions of people’s DNA up for sale as 23andMe goes bankrupt
May I join your Miku twin tail club? Seriously, why does this game mode feel more broken on each update?
Is this guy right?
Trump says efforts to end Ukraine war 'somewhat under control' just hours before deadly Russian drone strike on Kyiv
Do you ever wake up, eat breakfast, then go back to bed?
Youtube : premium avec vpn ou quel adblock ?
Sexy lotus assassine Sarah!
Y a-t-il un jour une chance qu'une loi soit votée pour contraindre le propriétaire à faire des travaux d'isolation phonique ?
Are videos of Putin satirizing in Ukraine being made? Please recommend them to me!
160's are brutal with randoms
Est ce illégal de coller des autocollant anti musk sur une tesla ?
Russian Soldiers captured a British ''mercenary'' in the Kurks Region
FitGirl made a call for donations
Storm chests
Killua with his bunny toy 🐰
Is my derailleur hanger bent?
Montpellier ou Nice?
Is this plastic piece very important?
Rare picture of siblings getting along