My name is DH
So uhh... What does "Floral Blue Bikini Bottoms" mean and why does the internet have nothing about this when I search for it?
Where can I get one with retractable blades?
Improved maelstrom implants
Weird Ahh Ship Guy here to give the public what they want. Thoughts on Bashanko?
Trump has now escalated from "should be our 51st State" to "MEANT TO BE our 51st State"
How is this possible?
can anyone show me it?
Nervous Miku
Rare Image of Nokotan / Koshitan, Seeing the Bomb of Hiroshima August 6th 1945
Wait a minute, is this multi-sengan?
Case Have Two Sides
i cant open goat game :(
A juice about American transphobe hypocrisy
No dolphins required
Y'all will observe this cutie eating...LOOK AT HOW CUTE AND INNOCENT SHE LOOK
Water-cooled AR-15 on a tri-pod
NEW Nerf Minecraft Diamond Sword
why does this look like something kel-tek would make?
Custom Revolver Carbine
Me trying to get the temperature in the shower just right:
My dad is making me a katana
Seiya Suzuki slicing baseballs in half with a samurai sword ahead of the Tokyo Series
Thought about the characters' sexuality.