Pelvic floor therapy at home?
When you have a flare are you running to the bathroom every 10 or 20 minutes or is it just me?
AIO for breaking up with boyfriend of 3 years over him planning coffee date with coworker
is this how all men feel when they listen to tool or just mine?
My Opinion on the Game
Amitriptyline or Duloxetine
Looking for NS product recommendations
there are good people in our city
AIO getting many very vivid dreams of him cheating on me and be suspicious?
AIO to my EX Bf verbally attacking about my son
Urologist wants me to choose which I want to try Nitrofurantoin or amitriptyline, any advice or experience to share?
Am I Overreacting, but why does everybody have a therapist?
AIO for finally snapping on my abusive ex?
AIO? Coworker making constant rude comments about me behind my back
AIO or is this rude af??
AIO I feel violated after my gf used a toilet brush
17F I'm going to have a cystoscopy and I'm scared
Halifax based “influencers” you like/don’t like, and why?
My urologist isn’t gonna treat me….
Hooked Up With a Friend, Now Things Are... Complicated
What about when your not in a flare
To the 4:30/5pm commuters
Orgasms during sex, who should finish first?