Had to get it
anyone else love taking pictures of their cactus at different times to see how much they've grown? my grusonii eight months ago when I got it, and now
When should I start these guys?
That’s what she said
Just wiped my PC clean, where are my worlds after signing in?
I wish we could tip Performers :(
All it takes is one sneeze
Could you name one redeeming quality about Trump?
Can I plant it directly into this terracotta pot?
My mom wants to know what kind of cactus this is, and what's wrong with it
What time of day is traffic usually the lightest?
Idiot shoots his family jewels off
what did we just buy?
My friend cactus...
New to the sub, had this guy a while now, does it flower?
Repotted this guy today!
Our beautiful city has become infested
Sexual intercourse in nature
What’s the deal with all these hackers?
Does this look like a healthy golden barrel to you?
I took 2......
My friend who used to work in a restaurant sent me this
Eye of The Tiger on a Recorder
i made a private village for just nitwits