How can I tell which bosses will be on rotation this week for mythic "Assault on Violet Hold" (Legion)
Tattoo regret - please help me deal with it
Did my friend scam me?
Relistened to the whole discography, here is my ranking.
Buyer asking for refund..
Riot Games just banned me permanently for no reason !!!
How do i delete valorant, everytime i try to delete it i get this notification saying this
Update 50K bois lets keep it going
Seller got mad because I asked for a refund
Legion is my favorite pc of all time, started using them in 2019. heres my new legion i got last week . with 3 years support ultimate warranty.
sup, sylas main. so what they didnt drop ur emberwoken chroma for ashen shen in the rotation?
Wrong brand…is it fair for me to ask for a refund?
Are we actually doing this?
Help me find my friend from Vienna show
If it's taking Riot 6 YEARS to produce a fighting game, we're never getting the MMO
you are cooked boys 👍👍
What If?
Just play DOTA 2
how could i have played this better
not wanting to finish season 15
US here ,Rose Vinyl 🌹🥀
Any Uk fans going to be selling their rose vinyls on ebay ? theres one up right now the price being asked for is abnormal though
Any advices to land e2 better
🌹 🌹 new long-sleeve drop . at this point i have ordered every item from the 20th anni 🌹🌹. what yall think about this long-sleeve ?