is their patreon worth buying ? the $5 one ?
Photos of WF dupe cases from AE
Most annoying Linda episode?
yall think they participating in ramadan
AIO My daughter’s now ex-boyfriend sent this to her while they were still a couple, but it wasn’t his words?
Had to DIY cause i’m broke
Is Lexa gates a lesbian?
Yall need to stfu challenge & enjoy Black history month
What is your favorite nickname one character gives another?
Holy shit, i found her music a few days ago. She is actually so underrated
they’re getting married
Stop being insane
text message ig story
where are enyas shorts from?
How did you guys KNOW??
Mega thread of disappointed Swifties who feel let down by the closing night.
Quotes from the show you use in your daily life
y’all fw the lock screen i just made?
The girl in love with her brother?
merch at shows?
Kevin was never harmless
Way too underrated
What’s your favorite song on the new album?