Looking for a Peaceful PC game
What's your excuse to not being AoEing right now?
What's your excuse to not being gaming right now?
Can’t wait to spam 27(+4) attack Elite Jaguar Warriors until they’re eventually nerfed!
Now that we'll have 50 civs, this had to be reposted
My time to volunteer for a beating. Heres my game teaser, waiting for a beatdown
Happy to have 500 plays on my game!
my cluster tier list!
Hey, I made my own retro strategy game Primal Fray where you can collect a team of creatures and battle powerful bosses! It’s inspired by Pokémon and Into The Breach. (Playable link in the description)
How important is walling in Black Forest?
Finally getting stuck on less things (collisions/sliding)
Love the 8 movement allow sliding. No clue why it took me so long to turn it on!
I need a good titel
How do you know an ideea is good and worth the polishing time and effort?
Got some Beta Features implemented in my game if anyone has feedback!
I’m relatively new to the game. This is my first encounter with someone raging lol
I keep seeing ads for games bragging about how long it took to develop. Does this actually work in terms of marketing or is it just over-promising and setting up the audience for disappointment?
How to disable villiages to kill sheeps on their own?
Some food i made
Does the second image looks like a cracked brick wall
I´ve been getting my gf into the game, playing against the IA. I decided to step up and change from moderated (what we usually play) to difficult.... holy moly, its so tryhard!
Is RTS a dead genre?
Best way to get some honest feedback about your game is to ask you partner to try it when she is hungry
Comment your game and I'll play it
Gamedev in html5 is incredibly underrated and here's why I think it's good.
Pixel game recomendation