Meme: She's 14 (this is to the people who overreact when they see something like her in a cleavage-baring dress or kissing Goku in a crossover piece) (yeah I get tired of people infantilizing the character I grew up alongside)
Three limited characters to become permanent in 3.2 via Shiroha
Brigading and Bad Faith posts
Now that Anaxa is finalized
No Changes in V7 via Shiroha
Saltierthankrayt love their Straw man arguments IRL
Wait for phainon wait for phainon he's gonna be op...
In JP livestream
V6 is out and it is my final decision.
Anaxa v5 x v6 - DMG Comparison [Beta 3.2 v6]
One of Cipher's Talents
Clarification on Cipher's FUA via Shiroha
So how worse is Anaxa really now after V6
There Is No Word for Megathread in the Kremnoan Language - General Question and Discussion Megathread
Y'all will fr fight over ANYTHING and nobody can agree on who's to blame; this is lowkey one of the most realistic online "wars" I have ever borne witness to.
is it still worth pulling for him
Fuck this company.
Anaxa v6 changes via HomDGCat
coaxed into class 3 felony
Off-top...but any anime recommendations that don't feel like they were written for pedophilic sexist incels? (person who had almost 5 years break from watching anime)
Does spending all day whining about Trump actually make you happier or make any difference whatsoever outside of making yourself more miserable?
A Persona 4 remake is unnecessary
I didn't vote for Mr. Tangerine Dream, but come on. TDS is out of hand and all it does is make the left look like clowns and drive people to Trump.
Is Mydei worth getting?