How does everyone feel about bookplates and stamps?
Just popping in to say, the sweater curse IS REAL and I will never knit another man a sweater for as long as I live.
Welp. It’s real now.
At my wit’s end. My son suddenly won’t go in his room but won’t tell us why
Allow Me to Reintroduce Lit. on Fire Books
1993 photo of starving child and vulture won Kevin Carter a Pulitzer; he died by suicide in 1994.
what are your FAVOURITE lesbian movies/shows?
My girlfriends life is about to CHANGE significantly.
What’s a plot twist you’re a little smug to say you saw coming a mile away?
Big tapeworm found during Colonoscopy. The tapeworm in the video can infect you if you eat raw fish that is infected with its larvae (Diphyllobothrium Latum)
My experience on hinge as a bisexual...
Happy National Puppy day!! I’ll be drawing your pets in the comments all day to celebrate! :)
What is something you've done/seen/heard so bizarre that no matter how many times you tell it, nobody believes you?
This dog has to have a special ‘do not approach’ leash
A Brave Lady saved a man from Street Dogs in Domjur, Howrah in India
is responding to “thank you” with “yeah” considered rude to non-americans?
What does my type in women say about me?
Game recommendations for a six-year-old?
What’s a book that has left you dumbfounded at how bad it was?
A frozen 2L ginger ale bottle crashed through my sister’s windshield at 2:00 in the morning.
Brother coming out as trans
How can people who fall under low income ever afford to take their kids to Disney?
Drove an hour by myself to see the Nutcracker. This is my view
What horror movie is a 10/10?
I’m genuinely curious- who are you ?