The letters C, Q, and X should be removed from the English alphabet, and the digraphs Sh, Ch, and Th should be turned into new letters.
egg irl
Found on Tumblr and it would not surprise me if they did this
There was a white sprinkle between my pure sprinkles
how i sleep (not to scale)
Its ok, you can wipe
Does anyone else hate when the recipes use "spoons" and "cups" as measurement??
is it possible to have romantic attraction, but not enjoy a romantic relationship?
So I had a dream where like there was a meme about that scene from guardians of the galaxy where star lord holds the power stone, but he was replaced with Rowley from diary of a wimpy kid, and he said “taste my Jewish power”
All the people in videogames who sell lockpicking supplies are conmen
In Austin Powers (1997), the titular character refuses the advances of a drunk woman. That sort of thing was just not his bag, baby.
Somebody told me my room "obviously belongs to an autistic person" and that got me thinking about how we decorate our spaces. How do you like to decorate?
what do y'all call these in your country?
I have always pronounced GIF as “jee-eye-eff”
only thing I can remember from last night's dream was this meme
Holy fuck
Who are your "Literally me" characters?
Anxiety around social interactions post surgery
i had a dream i updated chess