Why can Cathay flights originating from the US fly over Russia?
What cancelled Netflix show you wish they didn't cancel?
How to keep default to "Prefer Wi-Fi and mobile data" on iOS phone? It keeps changing to "Use carrier only"!
Seat Selection Megathread
Crashing during setup
Taking gun away from an active shooter alone
“You keep having them, we’ll keep raising them.” Brilliant and perfectly said by Maloney.
TIL in Catalonia, as well as some parts of Spain France and Italy, a squatting peasant is part of traditional nativity scenes. El Caganer literally means the pooper.
What song did you fall in love with not because of the original, but because of a cover?
Photographer captures the exact moment Trump comes up with the idea of injecting patients with Lysol
[OC] My poop calendar 2019
Opossums are wonderful eco-allies to have around wooded areas because they can eat up to 5,000 ticks in a season, their body temperature is typically too low to carry rabies, and will eat venomous snakes with no ill effects!
Trump boards Air Force One with toilet paper stuck to his shoe
If you were paid $1000 a day, doubling each day, to stay in a blank room containing only food, water, and a toilet, how long would you stay in there and why?
Hong Kong mechanic/shop for used VW repair
Work less, get more: New Zealand firm's four-day week an 'unmitigated success' - Reduced hours for same pay increased work-life balance by 24%, cutting stress levels and boosting commitment
Bill Gates: Does saving more lives lead to overpopulation?
[Serious] Vegans: If plants are proven to possess intelligence, and a hierarchy of capability exists between species, would it change how you choose what to eat?
What issue do you believe people REALLY ought to be talking about, yet no one is?
Jade Eshete as Farah Black
A helpful lady misspelled my name in an email...
Florida Man casts deciding vote.
Florida Man casts deciding vote