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Some of the intaglios the dig team found in Carlisle, UK
The Art of Intaglio: from Antiquity to Modern
Mark found on Severan hypocaust tile ca 210 AD, Carlisle, UK
Gaming counter found in Carlisle UK dig, Severan ca 210 AD
Some of the intaglios the dig team found in Carlisle, UK (Roman, CA 210 AD)
Snow loves to watch tennis
Snow wants to be fed in his cave
I just finished a Roman Britain dig in Carlisle, UK. What do you want to see
Life and Death in Roman Carlisle
Stone with Julia Domna Inscription, circa 210 AD, Carlisle UK
Stone with Julia Domna Inscription, CA 210 AD, Carlisle UK
Why you sit like that?
Does anyone backpack from their front door?
Hook came out of Roman Carlisle Dig yesterday. They think it's Roman. Unsure of use.
Severan beaker base I found in the Carlisle dig
Unidentified "H" I found at dig in Carlisle, UK (Roman, Severan, ~210 AD)
Carlisle dig first thing in the morning. So many pilae stacks for hypocausts, some frost, and Jerry.
Why do teachers skip over the years 193 to 284 when going over the Roman Empire?
4th century repairs to Severan hypocaust are obviously bigger tiles, Carlisle UK dig
An amphora handle came out of the dig yesterday (Carlisle, UK)
Is he like. Ok???