I think I built my Café wrong...
seeing this when i was doing my world map on my warrior today is this call back to gw1? or could this be plan for future expansion not sure
That_Shaman Datamine Skyscale Skin
We need dyeable weapons in FashionWars 2.
Our New Avian Aspect Helm Skin Is a Real Feather in Your Cap
Adding Mistburned Barrens to the LFG seems to have scrambled the order of the dungeon LFG
Spotted in an unexpected place...
Darkwing Duck is here! Looking for his hat!
Endless Jade Tech Protocol Contract
Are the latest 3 expansions indeed NOT that epic compared to the original game & first 2 expansions?
Is there any reason within the game's LORE for these locations to be inaccessible/not implemented?
Finally - playable Tengu
What the hell is jacaranda?
Astral Spearmarshall. Combo of Ward Knight and Obsidian armor. Birthday Luminous Spear.
Happy 25th Anniversary Anet
[Spoiler] Mursaat's Game
Mount Set Collection Guide #17 - March 11, 2025 (Ferocious Fusions Mount License)
The Duality of ArenaNet Balance
Medium armor being heavily trench coat-y saddens me
Quickness and Alacrity - your thoughts?
What are the threads we now have for story next patch?
Monument Decorations
Games can no longer use virtual currencies to disguise the price of in-game purchases in the Europeean Union.
They did not add an LFG tab for Mistburned Barrens?
Mysterious Stranger - Lws2-Ep6 - Tracking the Aspect Masters.