My face is burning! Any advice until I get into a dermatologist?
Has anybody had this color snot after a 3 day fever?
Tonsillectomy - 65 Post Surgery
Just turned 40 and am having terrible burning facial flare ups!
It’s 100% worth it
Flushing that lasts for weeks?
When Will It End????
I'm extremely scared I don't want to do this
Tonsilstones, Mono, tonsilitis or STD?
Day 8 and finally seeing the light at the end of the tunnel
What made you get the surgery?
Work making me sick and worse
Just got discharged
Day 5 is killing me :(
Anyone else's meezer asks for things this way? He's so adorable lol
What did your throat look like before surgery ?
Day 8 : anyone try to pick off their scab
day 6 (no scabs have fallen off yet)
Pain management?
Anyone's scabs not coming off?
Tongue pain?
I had surgery this morning, it's 9:30 PM, and I can't even swallow my spit. Razor blade throat. Is this normal?
Random questions:
4 days post op its horrible, how is everyone doing with their recovery?