I made a Bocchi The Rock intro but in NARCOS Style, hope you enjoy!
Horse Soldier, Horse Soldier
Comparing 6 of the Best Ragdoll Mods
Narco cultura
More Skidrow, Los Angeles sneak peaks
"Bocchi the Monarch" A small peek at the NEW communist Kita path, coming in the next UPDATE of Bocchi at War!
Anyone else find this game oddly Liminal/creepy?
I want/need an option for limited wars and partial victory
:Bocchi the Monarch!" A small peek at the NEW communist Kita path, coming in the next UPDATE of Bocchi at War, a Hearts of Iron 4 mod!
"Bocchi the Monarch!" A small peek at the NEW communist Kita path, coming in the next UPDATE of Bocchi at War, a Hearts of Iron 4 mod!
Alguien me explica en qué se diferencian los Carteles Mexicanos de otras mafias como la Rusa o la Italiana en su manera de operar?
Will the price go up whit each draw, and if yes, is there a limit?
Petition to ban the “new dlc” shitposts? They were funny at first but, come on.
Luis Caparro claims that the USA is targeting Mexican Politicians
Tours and Tournaments, is it worth it in my situation?
Mal momento para ser de Nayarit
Seen in Mexico of all places.
¿De qué año creen que sea esta foto del MZ?
Any other characters that remind you of the mobster girl?
If by “almost wins” means beating around smaller nations that have no chance, and the moment you fight competent enemies you get your ass kicked, then yeah it’s “almost”
Never agan it was such a slog last 50 turns
The discord is kinda shit and just full of cartel fan boys and propaganda for the most part
The Guzman brothers after being kidnapped
Fun-Size Burgundy
El Partido Verde Ecologista presentó una iniciativa para fijar en 21 años la edad mínima para el consumo de bebidas alcohólicas. De 18 años pasaría a los 21 años.