Looking to do these trades
Do you think you’d have a chance with her?
Transphobia in the big 2025...? Really??
Friend scammed me (Minor) of $150 CA for a bat dragon
Looking for specific episode
who had the most unjustified death in your opinion?
Whats your most annoying thing you have seen?
2nd Self Caught !! nfa
Is it just me who finds this strange?
Is this a well sought after pet??
Whats your favorite underrated pet, which need a little bit of love?
Is it bad to have canon powers in OC fanfiction?
I'm gonna scream
Just graduated today. What transformers quote should I use in my yearbook
This is the best luck I've ever had in this game I swear
help i accidentally accepted
did i actually prevent a hack or was i just overthinking it lol
Awesome game
Made a bad trade and I don't wanna play anymore
What made you trans? Wrong answers only.
Let's keep this wheel spinning