Mojika is launching on March 31st!
Any OLYMPIAN Enjoyers?
two uzi features?? we won 🥹
Uzi is On I AM MUSIC
What was the most cheated and godmode score when you started playing?
Finally, WhiteCat officially has his first 1.2k pp play! (+NF +AURA)
How Well Would 2020 top Players Perform in the Current Aim slop Meta? Compare them According to Their Skill at That time.
What's the proper way to shorten the name when talking abt it?
Mrekk's Title Screen is now worth 1774pp
NINERIK | Dragon Guardian - Tenkai e no Kippu [Our Ascension to Heaven] +HDNC (Astronic, 9.43*) 99.20% FC #1 | 1536pp | 1ST DT FC!!!
A new lazer song select uk is in the works and they’re looking for feedback.(link to films in comments)
mrekk is joining the list
What is mrekk's most ICONIC score?
mrekk now has his own unique title!
stupefaction (gamer228666) | Imperial Circus Dead Decadence - Yomi yori Kikoyu, Koukoku no Tou to Honoo no Shoujo. [Kyouaku] (DoKito, 8.34*) 99.58% FC #3 | 931pp
Is it ridiculous to think that a 2k pp is never possible to begin with, if people do want it on a "normal" map
Detective | DECO*27 - HIBANA feat. Hatsune Miku [Lock In] +HDDT (- Nilou -, 9.97*) 97.22% FC #1 | 1262pp
The PP news post is out!
The pp difference between the #1 player (mrekk) and #2 player (Ivaxa) is now over 5000!!!!
Steroids are making me cracked at the game
Will mrekk surpass his 1st reign’s time spent at #1
mrekk has now exceeded in game integer limit (32767) meaning that his pp no longer displays in game
mrekk | Tim Follin - Title Screen [The Game of Video Quick Draw] +HDDT (Mekadon, 12.60*) 97.57% 207/745x 6xMiss | 1887pp (2671pp if FC) | NEW STD PP RECORD !!!