Thoughts on Neal Stephenson?
Addicted to wrestling men
Our society is built on the assumption that only dumb people will shoplift or murder
This is what a feminist looks like 🇷🇺☦️
Social media is social feminization
Introduced my 65 year old mother to Matt Christman livestreams
Got barry lyndoned up for Halloween
I need a movie rec that has New Hollywood style naturalistic acting
Women and the Wind: Crossing the Atlantic in a 50-Year-Old Catamaran
The story of Guided by Voices is one of the best in music imo
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Announcement: /r/RSBookClub will go private
What’s the most fake city you’ve been to
Just found out that i live very near to the guy that set himself on fire
Male versions of the ick
Movie you rewatch the most?
Outlaw Biker Club subculture in Iran
ive seriously never seen this mythical short king that gets laid a lot irl
Jews on Palestine
Can women do anything without being called a pick me?
NPR kinda slaps
All our problems can be traced back to this
RSP girls and gays pride themselves on watching Tarkovsky and reading Hegel and then they listen to this regarded shit.
Instead of making a new season of true detective they should have just made an exact shot for shot remake of s1 but with female leads.