PMD Explorers of Alpha Pokemon ID
I'm in love with Explorers of Alpha's newest update, I can be my most favorite duo
Poor Mangle
Lolbit [My art]
Future alternative to mRPG
Beat Pokémon quetzal with Ash's champion team
Make the comments sectn look like you just got glohm’d
Just beat Roxanne in Theta Emerald EX
Emerald Seaglass attempt 1 failed at Brawly
Gardenia has been defeated with 4 deaths
A random Ace Trainer killed my Charmeleon with vigoroth's Reversal at 1 hp
Roark Defeated in Renegade Platinum by a single Lucario
Roxanne is done in Theta Emerald EX deathless
Falkner defeated in A HeartGold Randomized doubles nuzlocke
I'm going to do a Omega Ruby Egglocke on my YouTube channel
Platinum run update - Hearthome and Veilstone Gyms(+ new art!)
I wanna try an Egglocke! :D
How should I handle random Shinies in a Wonderlocke
I never knew the size difference between Alpha and normal Kricketune
Falkner has been defeated in My heart Gold Nuzlocke
Choose my starter for my Heartgold Randomized Nuzlocke
I need eggs for a Pokémon X Egglocke
Wattson's done deathless in Sinking Sapphire
Brawly Defeated in Sinking Sapphire