[MEGA-COLLECTION] Tips to improve stuttering: from all research studies and books that I reviewed
Let's solve this question once and for all: Is stuttering a disability?
What is your personal idea about why we stutter, and why we can't become more fluent?
Is anyone interested in reviewing my ebook on stuttering that explains extinction failures and how stuttering anticipation and confidence are developed through conditioning? it's 42 pages (I'll be releasing the PDF for free in early 2025 to everyone)
Summary of a NEW stutter book (2025) by an SLP speech therapist and researcher
What book are you planning on reading to improve or accept your stuttering?
Stuttering and sales - My greatest trials and tribulations and the reality
NEW stutter exercise from an SLP & psychologist
In your own thoughts. Why do we often not accept stuttering or not realize our fear of social rejection?
Missing out life changing opportunities
Have you ever noticed that we often speak fluently when we're alone? Could there be something about that we could use to help with stuttering remission, and what do you think it might be?
The free book "Redefining stuttering" introduces a lot of ideas, but it doesn’t provide specific techniques. So where do you go from here? What do we do next?
Stuttering summary of Uri Schneider (researcher, speech therapist and famous YouTuber)
Adding "My name is..." before saying our name can create a fluency effect. How can we replicate this fluency effect to bypass stuttering (triggers)? That would result in tricking the brain or calming the alarm system—without adding a little phrase or other tricks?
Most stutterers do not stutter when speaking alone. Could this suggest that speech execution has been maladaptively conditioned in the presence of certain individuals? What are the strengths and challenges of this assertion?
Research about stuttering recovery
NEW research study (2024, August): "Characteristics of Attentional Focus of Movement among Adults who Stutter"
What exactly is the conflict between neocortex and basal ganglia in stuttering?
Do you think feeling less nervous and more confident would actually make you speak more fluently? Why or why not? Or, why does this depend on the person?
Question: Given that we can't change genetic factors, how can we improve our mindset and attitude to better influence speech motor performance affected by attentional focus?
List of new research on: Stuttering recovery, stuttering remission and outgrowing stuttering
Megathread - Relevant resources to make progress towards stuttering remission
IYO. What's the difference between (1) speaking on auto-pilot, and (2) speaking by relying on automatic processes? Food for thought towards progress in stuttering remission!
Stuttering remission
In your own thoughts. What do brain scans say or prove or confirm? (between stutterers who recovered versus stutterers who persist)