Can I quit the game now?
Is the Autumn long bow pay to lose?
To all the people posting about their bad reputation
How are you gonna teamkill a newer player just because they didn't win their last gunfight?
Doc mains are out of control
Help me get to emeral
Can someone please explain warden?
Doc is ruining this game.
Does leaving before Cav interrogates you count as griefing?
Been playing for more than a years
R6S is going to be free to play. Thoughts?
You can't make this shit up.
What rank am I ?
Genuinely how do I win this. Use a voodoo doll?
How can I get many bytes
Hidden MRR?
Cant find caves on vesania
Does anyone know the name of this skin
OK but what even is the thing the terrain uses to go up the rope????
Can somebody help me convince my freind?
Adding a load faster button?
which one
Can't activate R6 siege.
Worst part of r6