Bro just cancel the damn show
I love Whitney so much
In honor of Valentine’s Day who is your favorite animated couple
My boyfriend and i were talking..
Eagles Won!!! Just wanna say….
My bf and i hit chiraq
Say anything rude to coraline, or roast her…
How i use new makeup vs other girls
It would be so cool if robin worked with river at the museum
Im going to chicago in a few weeks! Where should i go
How is this allowed 😭
is this new? never seen this confession before
Nintendo Announced officially they new Console and life is good ya'll!!!
Hair blow dried vs curly
Why they've never made a teenaged Powerpuff Girls show is beyond me 😍
joined and left the ‘rant’ subreddit in the same day 😭
Anybody else enjoying the new X-change content?
New nintendo switch!!
No one dresses up for interviews anymore
Had to crosspost this
Interracial dating
How do I make friends?
i regret changing syd's hair color so much that my pc now kinda looks like him