We know KSI, but today i found ksi.
Igal riigil on üks vol3
If you are a redditor who's never received an award before, leave a comment on this post and I'll give you one. I have 10k coins to use before the end of today, mostly due to this community. Time to give them back.
Amazing Pizza making skills
What actor will you always associate with *that one role* no matter how many others they do?
Example of precise building demolition
Russia Will Restart Moon Landings, Says Putin
Assuming World War III did start, how safe are you?
18F, first year of university civil engineering. Don't have much of a life outside of school and drawing. Do your worst reddit!
Leave a comment and the awards shall flow forth
Flock Of birds crashes into the ground in Mexico.
When you order DoorDash, and don’t tip, and still expect your food. Yikes.
What is something you call by a company name instead of the actual thing it is?
Men, what is the best decision you have ever made in your life?
What is an example of pure evil?
RuneLite HD has been shut down.
The last soldier to leave Afghanistan
You wake up tomorrow with Jeff bezo's current net worth ($209 billion USD) what do you do?
What invention has done more harm than good?
Started skating again last summer. Got these new 100-s (old ones were 84-s). Tried them out, felt awesome. Only thing i need now is good weather :) (and maybe helmet and some wrist protection)
Look at that Crack :)
Quick question about wheels.
393-years old Greenland Shark
Profit make moke go happy-happy!
Ukrainian soldier saying goodbye to his Lili Marleen [2560x1859]