Ortsverkehr 50 km/h?
Darf ich hier außerhalb der Öffnungszeiten der Bäckerei mehr als 2h parken?
How do you get the day percentage?
So excited for our new xolo baby 🥰 what should we name her?
Hat jemand Erfahrung mit dem Miluna Ohrreiniger?
Wer nutzt Walkie-Talkie-Frequenzen für ernsthafte Anwendungen?
Where can I find this watchface:
Disable screen saver for Sleep Mode? & other Modes questions
Refurbished GW6 44mm takes 2h+ to charge from 10 to 100%
Just found out I was sent the 40mm and not the 47mm Watch 6 Classic
Modes and routines
I designed a 3D printed travel version of Catan!
I designed a travel version of Catan!
Custom desk clock mod. I like the small form factor and use the always on display as a clock at home. Is this something you would buy?
(GW6) Persistent Samsung Account Notification
Watch 6 classic, Watch 7 or wait for watch 8?
Ich habe kolossalen Mist gebaut
Essen means to eat does Essen die stadt literally mean to eat?
Was ist das juristische Äquivalent zu "Das Mitochondrium ist das Kraftwerk der Zelle"?
These keys were found in the pocket of the “new” coat I bought on Amazon
Just got my S25 Ultra..I also have in hand the S24 Ultra
Google Home (and sleep tracking) on Fitbit Charge 6