And the de-valuing of points starts… 😡😡
Rapid Rewards value decreases
My saga in trying to resolve the 100,000 miles cobranded credit card offer… and still not resolved.
Safety for Americans? Small towns to stay in...
How much is airport vip?
Surprise Layover
Now I Understand
Do you think they will take away companion pass?
What about a carry-on bag?
At least there was a pause on preboarding complaints…
Upfront plus can middle seat be used?
Other buildings besides Ugland House
Screw you Southwest & Elliott!
Spread out everybody
Imagine bieng a little pup and some dickhead pins you down and tattooed the fucking inside of your ears
How are Early Bird boarding positions assigned?
Marriott Renaissance all inclusive
Worst Thing I got
What's one hidden gem you’d recommend that most tourists miss?
Are license plates a some sort of showpiece or of some kind of importance in your country?
Im still asking myself which State is the most famous in the USA. What do you think?
Denver and preboarding
I'm ready to adopt a grey
Rest easy, sweet Paisley girl 🌈