Urbana Explorers
What game character's death hit you the hardest?
Blazkowicz supports you!
Season 3 but Mark has a twin
I love memes
You went on a date with voldemort and your last 5 emojis describe how it went
Theory time - The focus of Damiens ritual
Tell me why Godzilla vs Mechagodzilla II is NOT the best entry in Heisei and I’ll tell you why you’re wrong.
make me cry i love feeding my insecurities (good photos of me so imagine how bad when not trying) i just can’t handle the idea of my true ugliness on the internet lol !
“I'm in the thick of it, everybody knows”
Homie Checkpoint
'Ozymandias' - Over a decade later, still the only TV episode with a perfect 10/10 on IMDb (240K+ ratings).
Thanks I hate Geodude made out of pistachio shells
Geodude (sort of) made out of pistachio shells
Climbing to the top of the Empire State building
What's the counter to Hela deck? I genuinely can't think of any counter besides Cosmo and maybe Clog?
How do you rate Odyssey on a scale of 1 to 10?
The real size of Africa
How are you feeling with this?
Thanks I hate Starfish’s mealtime
Starfish’s mealtime
Which game has a good start,but later becomes boring and repetitive?
I had a white yolk this morning
Kaiju Vote Out Day 35: Legendary Ghidorah was smoked out! Final fight time!
Where to find Courtly Attire?
What was your first Xbox that you owned?