Never have had this idea alone!
Tank crews said, "Yall said you needed Tank support ASAP"
Three new skins for Astra Yao, Ellen and Nicole of 1.5 (only Nicole's skin is free through event)
CARS Strategy Q
Getting Frustrated - Where do I Go from Here?
Bad Diagnostic! Does it Get Better?
What percentage should someone be averaging on UEarth to get above the 80th percentile on the MCAT?
Not sure if I am liking the kaplan books.
Campus Wendy’s on N High St is permanently closed
For those who likes the festivities 🎉
Breaking News: Hell Let Loose Flamethrower Gets 'Upgrade' (Still Useless)
Just got the game! Any tips for beginners?
Retest before scores come back
Rate the wallpaper on my Google Pixel
Steel metal pot with air holes and handle. 6" tall, 24" circumference, lead welded.
What is this pouch even meant for?
Looking for inspiration: Bands with violin players?
I got new strings!! What was your first strings set? Mine were the Corelli Crystal.
What are some HLL features you didn’t find out about until weeks, or maybe even months into playing?
Why… just why?
Lunch with your pal
A bank teller laughs when seeing man with knife wanting to rob bank
A Festival in a Taiwan Water park Erupts in Flames after the Colored powder launch into the crowd caught alight. Party Organizers didn't realize the Powder was Flammable.
Steam's Spring Sale has HL for half off