If you had $1000 of “fun money” to do whatever you want with, what would you do?
Do you earn more than your parents percentile-wise when they were your age?
OFFICIAL DISCUSSION THREAD: Post simple requests and questions here!
Guess my age based off my childhood
Corporate people, What do you do with your bonus?
What life skills have your found most necessary as a dad?
The Trump Baby Bump Among Republicans After the 2016 Election
A lawyer advised me to post this
What has your history and relationship with alcohol been like since working as a lawyer?
Who here is making an average median salary of $60k-80k?
How much do you contribute to a 401k?
First sex after snip on my own or with wife
All my friends have super high car payments
I just got savagely roasted by a preschooler
Husband smells balls smell like cum after vasectomy.
Post vasectomy analysis
Middle class life.
Where do you work and how many vacation and sick days do you get a year (not including holidays)? Looking for a better work/life balance.
Standing up after getting a vasectomy.
100k Salary Reasonable?
In house lawyers: How long did you take to secure your in-house role?
Has anyone gotten sterile results before 90 days
Whelp, our toddler can now climb out of his crib
Retiree Regrets Having Kids And Says He Was Just Their ATM: 'I Gave My Life To Them... It's Been 9 Years Since I've Heard From Them'
Question for Millennials that have their 💩 together. Do you have a sibling that doesn’t?