For all the Technologic fans
I guess this millennial slept through the whole LA race riots of 1992 and the OJ Simpson case in 1995
Avianca 052 in a nutshell. Such a complex and frustrating accident where everyone does something wrong pretty much.
This stain on my kitchen floor kinda looks like the Air Jordan logo
151 tins drop at Costco in Toronto this morning
Staind get Stond
I miss sad stoner Aaron Lewis
An example of what I call the "bionicle riff/effect" in Drive by Incubus (stink horn). What is this? Probably distortion and effects. If you were into Bionicle as a kid and watched the promotional videos you'll get what I mean.
In you opinion what fan base is the most insufferable
Holy Musk
Yo wtf happened to sniper
Can someone find that meme saying that Kurt on this one Bleach track sounded like Finn from Adventure Time being mauled to death by a bear?
The most honest and realistic or deliberately least flattering front page photo of a president ever published? Life Magazine on the 1972 election result.
Randomly stumbled upon this.
What is your favorite US state?
Oh my god
No-one in government is coming to save us. We must save ourselves.
Can a minority party oust its senate leader?
I agree with what this guy says on his channel but’s a Jumpscare everytime he appears
The money Scout appears once more
Making sure I the make popcorn for movie night
the clit of the cinnamon roll
What Music Take Has You Like This:
Is there footage to this anywhere?
Song Vs. Song - Episode 145: "Machinehead" vs. "Interstate Love Song"(w/Pat Finnerty!!)